
Yellow Brick Roads

Overcoming Anxiety and Caring for Your Family

Discover the #1 Truth To Building Unstoppable Confidence

How to Overcome Anxiety and Build Confidence

Overcoming Anxiety and Caring for Your Family

Discover the #1 Truth To Building Unstoppable Confidence

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How to Overcome Anxiety and Build Confidence

With all the change that is going on around the world, people everywhere are struggling with increased anxiety and a lack of belief and confidence.

When you are feeling out of control, the best place to start is with yourself.

Women all around the world want to feel good about themselves, their achievements and have confidence for whats to come in their future. A relaxed, happy, fulfilled life is what everyone is craving right now. 

So, how can you focus, plan and take action towards what is that you want?

A strong, calm you will be able to rid your panic and anxiety, help those you love and push through any discomfort that comes your way.

Today’s world is very different to what it was just a few short months ago. I am confident that we will get through this challenging time but everyone needs to play their part. Emotions are flying high and it’s so important, now more than ever, that you take good care of yourself mentally, physically and emotionally.

When you are in a stressed, anxious state your body’s immunity is lowered, which isn’t something you want. There are certain things that are out of your control, however, your emotions aren’t one of them.

Focus and Direction

Staying focused on the positive results you want to see happen in life is a must.

When you lack focus and direction on a positive goal, it encourages your mind to absorb information from any source, good or bad. This can have a negative impact on your emotions and subsequently, your life.

Having clarity and focus on any task, is a great way to distract your thinking and move your thoughts from negative to positive.

In today’s world, one of the best questions that you can ask yourself is:

“What can I do to make myself feel better, in this moment, when I am feeling anxious and afraid?”

The “Fairy Godmother” Effect

If you had a fairy godmother and could ask her this question, what would she say to you?

Taking positive action towards something (anything!) that you want to accomplish, is going to focus your mind and pull you in the right direction to feeling empowered and confident. Putting the wheels in motion on that new on-line business you have been wanting to do for years, clearing out the loft, sorting through the paperwork thats been sat on your desk for months. It can be any goal of any size, it really doesn’t matter. Achieving a goal, regardless how big or small, will not only make you feel good but give you the motivation to a load of other stuff done… SUCCESS! It gives you a great focus and prevents you worry about other things that were negativley controlling your mind.

It’s not easy to rid the feeling of anxiety but when you have a focus and give your mind something positive to concentrate on, you are on the right path to reducing any suffering.

So…where do you start?

Let’s get planning! As you all know too well “failing to plan is planning to fail”.

The first steps to achieving anything in life is vision and creating a plan. Start making notes and documenting your goals straight away but before you do, remember your ‘3 C’s’. 

The ‘3 C’s’ will help you meet your goals and make you feel super proud of your achievements once those goals become your reality.

1. Clarity : Get clear on what you want and why you want it. If you don’t know the results you want, how can you go about achieving them.

2. Capture : Get those tasks out of your head and down on paper. (check out the FREE download at the end of this post). Don’t slack on the why’s and how’s to achieving your goals either, complete the guide in full. The downloadable guide has been designed to get you thinking about why your goal is important. All the while you are doing so, you are distancing your thoughts from everything else that is going on around you – win win in the positive thinking stakes!

3. Create : Now you are ready to spend less time thinking about what you want to do and more time actually doing it. Start to create an image of how things will look once you have achieved your goal. How will you feel? All these emotions will motivate and inspire you to get the job done!

Calm Yourself 

Don’t get caught up in the stuff that you can’t control and the unimportant things you can. Make the best of every situation. Stay focused on what’s important and also controllable.

“You can’t calm the storm so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass” – Timber Hawkeye

Positive vibes only

I hope this blog helps you and gives you a focus. If you take action and follow the content, you will start to feel calm and be better equipped to deal with any problems that come your way.

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