
Yellow Brick Roads

Fed Up At Work… Now What?

Discover the #1 Truth To Building Unstoppable Confidence

fed up at work

Fed Up At Work… Now What?

Discover the #1 Truth To Building Unstoppable Confidence

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We’ve all been there… miserable, bored or feeling ‘stuck’ at work, confused and not knowing what to focus on first! Survey results vary but up to 85% of people go as far as saying they ‘hate’ their jobs; yet how many people do you know who say just that and do nothing about it? That inaction is more harmful than most realise, as working in a role you don’t enjoy affects all aspects of your life – and not positively. 


While so many of us admit to not being fulfilled in our line of work, the status quo continues to offer reassurance and support… a kind of comfort blanket, if you will. Not pushing boundaries ensures you won’t fail at trying anything new, which is something plenty of us do to protect our ego.


Seeking answers online to this issue of not wanting to fail is difficult; various quotes about what women want and career woman definition articles discuss how focused and determined you should be but give very little information on how to overcome the first hurdle of self-belief. It’s all very well saying “don’t be afraid of the way it feels, do it anyway…” but this is easier said than done.


So… how do you actually push past the fear of failure and the unknown? 

Let us help!

Choosing to make a change starts with evaluating not just the aspirations for what you do want, but also what you don’t. What is it about your job or career that you don’t like? Is there anything that could realistically change within the confines of your current role to accommodate your preferences? Look for solutions where possible and if these can’t be found within your role as it is at the moment, then it’s probably time to move on.


Once you’ve clarified that you’re not where you want to be, don’t stress… clarity is power! Now you can start to visualise a more positive outlook for yourself and your future  – what do you want? What does your ideal look like? How do you see your future playing out? Note down this new, inspiring vision you have for your life… because now you have something to work toward.


Like the late and incredible Wayne Dyer once said: “Superglue your intention to your imagination”… then you become the conscious creator of your own life. Manifestation is bringing something tangible into your life through attraction and belief. Holding a focus of what you want to achieve allows you to set goals and objectives for how you’re going to get there.


Step by step, you can work toward realising your dream, without overwhelming yourself by having to accomplish crazy amounts in little time. Don’t wait for it to come to you: instead, go get it and be prepared do whatever it takes to get there.

Be reminded…

Career and professional progression goals are not always achieved through being promoted in your current role, so it can be tricky to understand your natural path of advancement.


Rather than assume you need to move upwards or find a new job with a hefty pay packet, instead investigate other avenues. This may include evening classes to learn new skills, networking within your preferred field or looking for sidewards career developments to achieve a better balance.


Don’t close off your mind to any possibilities – after all, some smaller changes or new starts may feel considerably more achievable than big moves and can present similarly interesting opportunities.


Allowing yourself to stagnate in a job role you’re not enjoying will only harm you in the long term; so the quicker it’s dealt with, the better. Sure, it may not be realistic for you to pack in your job and spend all of your focus manifesting a glam career switch but there is still moves to be made and progress to be gained.


Taking the first step is undoubtedly the hardest, but knowing what you do want, what you don’t want and how you’re going to get it is critical. What are you waiting for…? It’s time to get visualising!

And finally… 

If you’ve an entrepreneurial mindset or a business idea that you’d like to bring to life, hop on a call and speak to one of our coaches to learn more about our ‘Confident Solopreneur Programme’.


This programme has been designed to offer you the exact blueprint to start your very own online business within in the next 6 weeks… one that’s aligned to your passion and offers the work/life balance you desire.  


Calls are limited so book a call today to avoid disappointment.  


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