Being a mum to three girls, although wonderful, does have its challenges. My girls are all very different: their personalities, traits, the things they like and dislike and most importantly, they all have different values.
In the past, when I’ve learnt something new, if it wasn’t aligned to my values, I lost interest. And it’s proven knowledge that we don’t absorb new information if it’s not linked to something we enjoy and value. Makes sense, right?
Ok, so how does this relate to our kids and help you to become a better parent?
Well, consider this… some kids attend school and sit through a class learning stuff they feel will not help or support them. They’re not interested if they can’t see the benefit (bit like us adults really!). And when that child doesn’t perform, is aloof or possibly distracting in class, we label the child. Why…? maybe it’s because we don’t know how to manage or communicate with them and their values.
I’ve beaten myself up time and time again for getting the parenting stuff wrong. Wondering if I’d treated one child different to the others and that’s why I’d struggled raising them. Maybe I’d work too many hours when they were small, didn’t pay them as much attention or left them watching too much T.V. as a kid.
Being a parent is a job in itself and can be a tough one at that…
Yet, for some parents out there it seems like a walk in the park. They’ve learnt how to communicate effectively with their child, and understand their values and needs… and I’m pleased to say, in recent months, I’ve become one of them!
I’m going to stop right there…because the guru of Zodiac Parenting, Stevie Walshe, is here to tell you more about it, and offer you the most exciting, rewarding and self-accepting gift that a parent could ever hope for.
Stevie Walshe: Zodiac Parenting
Are you fed up with trying to work your kids out?
Do you feel frustration and guilt when you get it wrong?
Or feel bad when you’ve had a go at them because you don’t understand where they’re coming from?
You feel like the worst parent in the world because you’re second guessing yourself all the time.
Feeling exasperated because you’ve got so much to do, and such limited time to do it in? Constantly juggling your time with your kids and it’s never good enough? There’s so much pressure on everyone these days to be the best parent. So many comparisons. So many people appear to have the “perfect” family. And so many opportunities to feel like a failing parent.
Let’s face it, it ain’t easy!
There’s no parenting manual that’s handed to you when you birth a child…
You’re thrown into the trenches and it’s up to you to embrace the unknown and discomfort, and work it all out.
Becoming a parent for the first time, (or second, or third), is hard enough. When you add parenthood into the mix, it can feel like too much to handle.
And the underlying truth is… no kid is the same. Kids, just like adults, are all different. So, even if there was a helpful parenting manual presented to you at the birth of your child, what good would it do?
Some kids are more challenging and unpredictable than others. We’ve all got complexities, every single one of us. Even “lovely” kids have their idiosyncrasies. Their times of rebelliousness, especially when they become teenagers. It’s not easy being a parent and the only time you understand this is when you become one.
So, if you long for a much deeper understanding of your child, where the time spent with them is rewarding and enjoyable and you want to feel worthy of your role as a parent, then Zodiac Parenting is for you!
So, what’s all this zodiac stuff?
It’s for people who are up there with the fairies, right?
No, most definitely not!
Don’t be fooled by those larger than life characters who swan around presenting an air of mystery about themselves, as if they are the chosen ones to deliver astro speak!
Astrology is for everyone, and once you embrace it into your life, everything starts to make sense.
My name is Stevie Walshe…
I’m a Pragmatic Astrologer which means I help people get in touch with astrology in a very practical way to make their lives, and that of their children, that much happier..
I got involved with astrology 23 years ago when my youngest child was 4. I seriously thought he was from a completely different planet. I was running two businesses at the time, full on, and I just couldn’t relate to him.
Everything I did for him seemed wrong and I felt desperately unhappy and a complete failure as a mum. At the time, I knew nothing about astrology. I didn’t understand it. That was until a girlfriend who was an astrologer went through my child’s zodiac energies with me and… BOOM!
Everything started to fit into place.
Everything began to make sense to me.
It changed my life forever and my relationship with my son started to blossom. I’ve never stopped feeling grateful for what Zodiac Parenting has done for my life.
‘Ok Stevie’, I hear you say… ‘So what is Zodiac Parenting and how can it benefit me?’
When a child is born, the stars, planets and zodiac constellations are in a particular place in the skies, unique to them. Zodiac Parenting gives you access to this information through Child Star Planners. Each child’s complexities are held within this ‘Cosmic Blueprint’. For your child’s cosmic blueprint to be replicated precisely would take a Quintillion years, so all of their needs, wants, desires, abilities, foibles, etc., are totally unique to them.
Each zodiac sign, the planets and the stars, has a different meaning…
Developed over thousands of years and this is what influences the way your child behaves, how they communicate, and how they interact with others. This information gives you so much insight into your child that they will thank you forever for getting to know them so well, and you will understand what they need in place to nurture them through their formative years into adulthood.
To give you a taster of what this can look like, you can register your interest below, send me the Date, Time, and Location of birth of your child/children, and I will gift you a brief summary of their three main zodiac energies to show you how it works, and what you need to consider to make your life and that of your child, as happy as possible.
Know that with the right information and more in-depth understanding of your child, you can look forward to happier times ahead.
Remove the pain of feeling a failure by completely resonating with your child, knowing what they need in place to feel happy and secure
Getting the work/life balance right takes some doing but with Zodiac Parenting you will have a much greater chance of success because you will know how to balance your needs with that of your child.
Know your child’s natural abilities…
Know your child’s skills and talents so that you can fully support them in their education and careers as they develop into well-rounded individuals going through to adulthood! Fully understand their foibles and how they tick and take second guessing out of the equation for good.
If you do this for your child they will feel supported and understood by you and what greater gift could you ever give them?
Everything is in plain English with no “astro speak” guaranteed, so…what are you waiting for?
Click here to start Zodiac Parenting, and change your life, and that of your child’s, forever!