
Yellow Brick Roads

Keeping Focused and Productive in Unprecedented Times

Discover the #1 Truth To Building Unstoppable Confidence

Keeping Focused and Productive in Unprecedented Times

Discover the #1 Truth To Building Unstoppable Confidence

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The world seems to be moving extra fast right now, and every minute seems to be bring with it fresh news stories, new social media alerts and pings of unread messages and urgent emails. There’s no doubt about it: life is hectic and it feels like it’s been that way for a long time now… and unfortunately, there’s no sign of it all letting up anytime soon. 


We’re all experiencing fatigue and that’s totally normal but hey, life, and our responsibilities, don’t stop. Getting motivated and staying on track to meet your goals in times like these is tough; even if you’re only goal is to get through the day. 


So how can we possibly continue through such a prolonged period of time that throws up uncertainty, doubt, negative emotions and fear on what seems like an almost hourly basis? 


The truth is, even the most self-confident of people are feeling the strain – though they may not be letting on so why not consider the following in helping you shift, and adapt your own frame of mind:

Forgive Yourself

At this moment in time it feels like most of us are being asked to achieve the impossible. We’re working, home schooling, maintaining a clean home, trying to keep the family happy, managing a relationship, cooking, trying to keep a balanced diet (even when the cupboard is still full of leftover Christmas treats!), attempting a social life via virtual means and trying to keep reasonably fit and healthy. Any one of those things could easily be a full-time job, so to do them all is tough and extremely challenging.


It’s time to forgive yourself for not doing everything you had planned. If you achieve 10% of what you had set out to do today, that’s a big win in my book! Don’t beat yourself when things don’t go to plan, and don’t allow it to knock your confidence. 

Reminder: This Isn’t Forever

OK, so it seems like the coronavirus pandemic has been going on forever, and that it will continue to go on forever. But that’s not the truth. This state of flux will, eventually, end, and with it we can either fall back into our ‘old’ lives or forge forward with new ones. Whichever path you choose, you must remind yourself that this state is temporary. You won’t be juggling this much forever, and you won’t feel like this forever. Better, and hopefully less busy days are ahead!

Unfollow Them 

Are your FaceBook friends getting you down? Life right now is too full-on already, and you don’t need to let negative energy or vibes from other people make things seem worse – it’s just another unnecessary distraction. Curate your social media feeds like you would visitors to your home. If they don’t add value or joy to your life, they don’t make the grade.

Get Focused 

When you’re able to drill down to exactly what you want to achieve (realistically!), then you’re able to start planning on the exact steps steps you need to take to reach your goals. This takes some clarity and sometimes some soul-searching, but once done, your journey to a happier, healthier, more accomplished self begins.

Build a Community

You did away with those who didn’t aid your success, and now it’s time to surround yourself with those who do.


Who makes you feel good? 

Who believes in you? 

Who can help you reach your goals? 

Who can you learn from? 

Who can give you the boost you need just when you need it to keep on going? 


Identify these people and involve them more. Seek out professional groups, inspiring books, motivating podcasts and anyone else who’ll help you to feel strong and accomplished. Forget competition: build community, and let it empower and inspire you. 


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