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Healthy Eating Habits for Body Confidence

Discover the #1 Truth To Building Unstoppable Confidence

Healthy Eating Habits for Body Confidence

Healthy Eating Habits for Body Confidence

Discover the #1 Truth To Building Unstoppable Confidence

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I don’t know any woman (in fact anyone), that doesn’t want to feel and look healthy. Being healthy isn’t just about what you consume, it’s so much more than just that. It’s about living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. What you consume, the amount of sleep you get, how much exercise you do and how you see and talk to yourself, all have a part to play in living a healthy life. Healthy eating habits for body confidence is very important.

Ditch the Diet

Most women are caught up about their weight. There will be something that they see when they look in the mirror, that they don’t like. Either they feel too fat, too thin, their boobs aren’t big enough, their thighs are too big, their nose is too pointy… you get the gist.

Social media doesn’t help the situation. Too many women compare themselves to the women they see on social media and 9 times out of 10, what they are witnessing isn’t the truth.

The majority of human beings have insecurities. It takes a lot of work and commitment to have total self-acceptance and truly love yourself.

One of the biggest hurdles for most women is weight-loss.

When it comes to losing weight, it’s all about taking small steps in the right direction and putting down the alcohol and haagen dazs ice-cream, doesn’t need to be as difficult as you may think. 

For me, the more I tell myself I can’t have something, the more I want it and this is why I don’t like to use the word ‘diet’. 

If you tell yourself you are on a ‘sugar-free diet’, you feel guilty even thinking about chocolate or cake and this doesn’t promote good mental health. 

Beating yourself up and talking negatively to yourself is the worst place to start when you want to live healthier, so get rid of the word ‘diet’ from your vocabulary and instead create a healthy lifestyle plan that suits you.

If chocolate is your thing, have it. Don’t deny yourself of the stuff that you love. Just keep it in moderation. 

A great book that talks about this and has seen many women reach their weight goals, after battling it for years, is ‘Feast Without Fear’ by Gin Stephens. 

This book explains all and will help you achieve a healthy lifestyle that’s in line with what works for you.

Say ‘Yes’ to the foods you love

Most people want to know what they can do to lose weight fast. The methodology is pretty simple…

Eat less + do more = lose weight, but this doesn’t mean ‘don’t eat’ at all. 

Yo yo dieting (sorry, I said that word!), seems to be the way that most people do it and it really doesn’t work. 

Binging on everything you love and then eating very little for a few days, plays havoc with your body’s ability to burn calories. It slows down your metabolism and puts stress on your immune system.

The best and only way to lose those lbs is to keep track of what you’re consuming, eat more good stuff than bad and get yourself moving.

It’s about creating some healthy eating habits that you can stick to, so you don’t feel deprived of the things you love. 

Are you looking for some tips to a healthier body?

If so click here and download the FREE guide. It will give you a kick start in building those healthy habits, so you can achieve the body you want.

A little bit of this and a little bit of that…
healthy eating habits for body confidence

We all want a little more balance in our lives, it’s the key to healthy living. 

If you are struggling to find a balance in your life, chances are, you are saying yes to too many things.

You have too many rules for your life. 

Step back and take a look at your life from the outside.

The main objection around not living a healthy lifestyle, is lack of time. I hear people say ‘I don’t have time for that’ or ‘I have too many other things to think about’.

It’s worth remembering that we all fill our days with something. You are prioritising something… what is it?

When you take a moment to step outside of yourself and look inwards, you will notice where you are spending  most of your time.

Are there things that you’re obsessing over that you could get rid of to free up some more time, so you can plan and focus on your health? 

To live a healthy lifestyle, you need to adopt healthy habits.

Now’s the time to prioritise those healthy habits and illuminate the habits that are not working in your favour.

Being kinder to yourself and having less restrictions on what you need to accomplish is a great start.

Prioritse what’s important and if being healthy is up there, start working out your ‘healthy lifestyle plan’.  Set those goals and work back from there.

Sleep and Relax

A few glasses of wine on a Friday evening can leave me feeling groggy with little motivation come Saturday morning, but that’s ok.

It’s important to sleep in, if you feel the need and relax on a weekend with a glass of wine if that’s your thing.

Let’s be sensible, binge drinking at the weekends can lead to bad food choices and a mouth as dry as Ghandi’s flip flop the next day – dehydrated beyond belief!

I am not advocating copious amounts of alcohol at the weekend as being healthy, because we all know that it isn’t.

But like we said before, it’s about balance and moderation.

Sleep is of vital importance if you want to lead a healthy lifestyle. Whilst you sleep your body is in repair which is essential for your physical and mental health. 

When you are building your healthy lifestyle plan, you need to incorporate the recommended hours for sleep and relaxation.

If that means sleeping in on a Sunday morning because the evening before was ‘Saturday Sangria and Tapas’ night (one of my favs) that’s totally fine. 

Check out this website sleep foundation.org for more info on the recommended hours of sleep, it’s amazing what your body gets up to whilst at rest.

Dr Chatterjee… what an inspiration

Have you heard of Dr Chatterjee? I am so inspired by this guy.

He is on a mission to help one million people feel fantastic by restoring their mental and physical health. 

You can check out Dr Chatterjee’s website that will teach you about the four pillars to healthy living – Relax, Eat, Move and Sleep, much of which I refer to in this post.

His website is really informative and will help you build that healthy lifestyle plan that you are looking for. 

A few things to remember…
  • Diets don’t work! Get rid of this word from your vocabulary 
  • A healthy lifestyle plan is the way to go 
  • Take a step back from your life to see what you’re prioritising
  • Take small steps in creating healthy lifestyle choices which will eventually form habits
  • Be kind to yourself, don’t let that negative self-talk get you down

Feeling comfortable in your own skin is really liberating and gives you the confidence to move forward and go for your goals. 

It’s not just about how much you weigh or if you’re a perfect size 10. 

There is so much more to feeling happy with your body aside from its size and shape.

Knowing who you are and being unapologetic about it, is one of the biggest takeaways of body and self-confidence. Doing what makes you happy and living your true life, regardless of how others are living theirs.

Allow yourself time-out and speak highly of yourself – all these things contribute to feeling confident about your body, yourself and what you are capable of achieving.

Build healthy eating habits for a healthy lifestyle plan that works for you and makes you feel empowered and.. always remember….

“Loving yourself is the greatest revolution”.

How to lose belly fat in 10 days without starving yourself.

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